- #Shadow warrior game npcs full#
- #Shadow warrior game npcs series#
- #Shadow warrior game npcs windows#
The best trick, then, is how frenetic, fast, and fun Shadow Warrior 2 feels, fight after fight after fight. Combat plays out pretty much the same when you revisit a level. What you do in a given level doesn't change much just because a shrine has been moved or a path between mountainous crags has changed direction. It's a nifty party trick, but not enough that Flying Hog Studios deserves high praise for making an "endlessly replayable" game.

#Shadow warrior game npcs full#
Certain enemy-wave patterns and physical level structures will appear every time you load a given mission, but many other elements, including how the full level is arranged, are randomly shuffled each time. Each mission takes place in a semi-random level. You can safely skip the chit-chat and follow a basic mission structure without worrying about why you, as ass-kicking samurai-for-hire Lo Wang, are so busy killing undead soldiers, hulking robots, and exploding bugs (though the in-mission banter between Wang and his spiritual advisor explains enough, and it's fun, to boot). It's a shame, because the game's cheesiest acting and funniest one-liners would be more of a gas if they weren't so obscured by endless, pointless chatter.
#Shadow warrior game npcs series#
Series hero Lo Wang yammers endlessly with a number of the game's constant NPCs, including a wizened quest giver, a mob boss conduit, and a snarky young woman whose spirit is trapped in his brain. If you don't hit "skip" during a cut scene, you'll hear these characters yak for minutes at a time with a mix of confusing plot development details, stiff B-movie acting, and cheesy action-hero dialogue. There's a plot in this game, allegedly, but I honestly couldn't tell you what's going on for much of Shadow Warrior 2. It's but one of the many influenced-by-Deadpool things you'll find in this game. I assume this happens at some point, however. I have yet to recreate this loading screen shot of a selfie-stick murder in Shadow Warrior 2. The baddies are bigger the guns, swords, and launchers are more plentiful the customization, loot, and crafting systems are hookier and the giant battles take place in more colorful, wild levels that shine particularly well in co-op-especially if you help friends play through levels you've already beaten. Any surprise that the so-so reboot got a sequel will vanish as soon as you lay eyes on Shadow Warrior 2-the kind of game that the 2013 edition should have been in the first place. It felt simultaneously too new and too old-a nostalgic rehash, not a nostalgic delight. That memory probably wasn't swayed much by the series' 2013 reboot from Polish game developer Flying Wild Hog-a solid, budget-priced reimagining that neither reinvented the FPS wheel nor proved delightfully faithful to the original. Shadow Warrior: You either remember it as "another one of those Duke Nukem-y games from the '90s," or you worship at its altar thanks to memories of it being one of your earliest first-person shooter experiences.
#Shadow warrior game npcs windows#
Platform: Windows (coming to XB1/PS4 "in 2017")