Toddlers Dance Party With Props Or Household Items Even easy games can be valuable for older children. Quick note: The theater games below are sorted by age and grade level, however, many of these can be adapted to different age groups.

Ideally, these games should be played in a group of three or more, but there are a few you can try in pairs if it’s just you and your little actor. Here’s a list of our favorites and classics to play with young aspiring stars.

Finding the right theater activities for your child is an adventure. The best acting games are those that your child loves, and that helps them to explore and grow in new ways. Another cool thing about improv for kids is that it costs nothing but time and creativity, yet yields educational and personal development as well as hours of precious creative family time ! What Acting Games Are Right for My Child? Whether you’re the parent of a budding actor, or a drama enthusiast hoping to ignite a stage spark in your child, there are plenty of cool acting games you can play at home! These interactive, improvisational activities are used in many top drama classes and workshops because they’re really handy for developing key performance skills in a fun way.